ArcGIS Blog

What’s new in ArcGIS Pro 1.4 (Esri internal video)

This past December, representatives of the ArcGIS Pro development team were tasked with recording 30-second videos demonstrating highlights of what they created in ArcGIS Pro 1.4. The short videos would be assembled into a longer video for internal use. The purpose was for development teams to show each other what they accomplished since 1.3 and to consider that as they prepared for the next development cycle.

Although intended for internal use, the video is a great summary of new ArcGIS Pro capabilities.

If you would like more information on what you see in the video, the help provides a comprehensive list of what’s new and links to other, in-depth topics.

Video sections:

Thanks to Andrew Norris for editing the video and Tim Ormsby for editing this blog post.

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